Sunday School  and Sunday Church

Taught by a Parent Volunteer

Every Sunday (some holidays excluded), LIFT meets in our youth room for Sunday School (9:30 am to 10:15 am), a time of fellowship and a lesson following the denomination curriculum. The church provides donuts and coffee. We close this time in prayer for one another before heading to regular church service, which starts at 10:30 am.

Sunday Night Youth Group

Sunday nights (6 pm to 7 pm) with LIFT are a time of teaching and equipping our youth for ministry. Each week we do a bible study and have a teaching that goes with the bible study. The goal of bible study and teaching is to learn what the bible is teaching and how to use that information practically in our lives as we learn to love God and others.

We also use this time to prepare for ministry. As ministry takes preparation and hard work, it is essential to carve out time to prepare and plan together.

And as with every other LIFT gathering, there is set aside time to fellowship and participate in group games or hang out. During this time, we have snacks and drinks for sale for those who need something to get them through.

wednesday nights with LIFT

Wednesday nights (7 PM – 8 PM) are our fellowship and fun nights with a short message (5-10 min), and then we begin group games. Some of our current favorite games are snowball, bump, murder in the dark, volleyball, basketball, and pickleball. We try out new games all the time. For those who do not like group games, we have both our youth rooms open for hanging out. Soon we hope to have an art station for those with an artistic bent.